Beyond customer data: harness your business data with Custom Objects
Beyond customer data: harness your business data with Custom Objects

In today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain deeper insights into their customers and make more informed decisions. While customer data is valuable, it only scratches the surface of what your business can achieve. To truly harness the power of your data, you need to explore beyond customer data and leverage custom objects. In this blog post, we will explain what custom objects are and how they can empower your marketing team to unlock new opportunities.

What are Custom Objects?
Custom objects refer to unique entities or attributes specific to your business that go beyond standard customer information. They allow you to capture and organize additional relevant details about products, orders, events, or any other aspect crucial for understanding your operations better.

Why Should You Care?
By utilizing custom objects effectively, you enable a holistic view of your business ecosystem. Instead of solely focusing on individual customers’ preferences and behaviors, custom objects provide a broader perspective that encompasses various touchpoints within your organization.

Benefits for Marketing Teams:

  1. Enhanced Targeting: With custom object data at hand, marketers can segment their audience based on more comprehensive criteria such as purchase history or event attendance. This enables precise targeting tailored specifically for different subsets of customers.
  2. Personalization Opportunities: By integrating custom object data with existing customer profiles, marketers gain deeper insights into each individual’s interactions with different aspects of the business—allowing them to deliver highly personalized experiences across channels.
  3. Improved Campaign Effectiveness: Utilizing the broader context provided by custom object data helps marketers optimize campaign strategies by aligning them with specific product lines or events related to those customized attributes.
  4. Analyzing End-to-End Customer Journey: Leveraging both traditional customer data along with insights from relevant custom objects empowers marketing teams in analyzing end-to-end customer journeys comprehensively—from initial engagement through conversion and ongoing engagement—to identify areas of improvement and drive better results.
  5. Data-Driven Decision Making: With a more holistic dataset, marketing teams can make informed decisions backed by comprehensive insights rather than relying solely on customer-centric data.


Custom objects offer a powerful way to harness your business data beyond traditional customer information. By capturing and leveraging unique attributes specific to your operations, marketing teams gain deeper insights into their audience, enabling enhanced targeting, personalization opportunities, improved campaign effectiveness, end-to-end journey analysis, and data-driven decision making. Embrace custom objects as a valuable asset in your data strategy to unlock new opportunities for growth and success.