Effective Customer Onboarding Campaign's Best Channels
Effective Customer Onboarding Campaign’s Best Channels

Did you know that a good onboarding can increase the lifetime value of your customers by up to 500%? User activation is the outcome. A company’s profits increase as a result of improved onboarding since it increases retention rates. Unomok offers the full spectrum of solutions for developing and putting into action successful onboarding programmes in order to assist organisations in achieving their targeted rise in KPIs.

Following are the top customer onboarding communication channels, all of which Unomok supports:

  1. Within-app messaging
    One of the best onboarding channels, the in-app experience is frequently the starting point of actual onboarding. This makes it one of the most successful onboarding channels since in-app messaging allow you to connect with users when they are most engaged.

Before users ever establish an account, many apps employ in-app messaging to provide introductions, advice, and other help-related onboarding resources. Others do it right away following the account’s creation.

With the help of in-app messaging, you have a fantastic opportunity to explain your app’s benefits straight away and persuade users to enable features like push notifications and location data services for their own advantages.

  1. Push alerts plus a message inbox
    Push notifications are also excellent for onboarding because they cannot be disregarded and can be sparked by specific app events and user behaviours. You can send push notifications to users who don’t finish the app’s full onboarding process to remind them of the advantages of finishing the account creation procedure. Use pushes to showcase some features for users who have finished onboarding but have not yet engaged further.

To ensure that people may access your messages at any time, save them in the Message Inbox. Onboarding messages can occasionally be delivered to users at the wrong time or location, which may cause them to ignore crucial information or become irritated.

  1. Email Emails may be incredibly effective at luring new consumers in. The first email that businesses send to new subscribers typically has the greatest open rates, at around 60% — almost 3X the average open rate — and is likely to generate 9X as many transactions and 8X as much revenue as other emails.

Emails are considered to be beneficial for engaging your audience when sent in reaction to customer behaviour. For instance, a trial user may automatically receive a personalised email welcoming them back and inviting them to try out some new features when they log in after a week of inactivity. Additionally, intelligently targeted post-purchase emails can significantly enhance a customer’s shopping experience and increase customer retention when it comes to e-commerce sales.

  1. Cross-channel onboarding
    The most effective onboarding process is this one. It enables utilising the advantages of numerous channels and connecting with consumers through the channels that are most effective for your target market.

With the help of Unomok Customer Journey Builder, you can plan and carry out an extremely successful onboarding campaign that will enable you to reach your consumers with the appropriate content at the appropriate time and, most importantly, through the most effective channels.

What then distinguishes a truly successful onboarding campaign?
There is, of course, no one method that works for everyone. When developing an onboarding strategy, you should take your app’s user base and type into account. Unomok will assist you by giving you incredibly powerful tools for conducting experiments and putting the best solutions into action!