What are Location Triggered Notifications
What are Location Triggered Notifications

Location-triggered notifications are a type of mobile push notification that uses geolocation data to send targeted messages to users based on their location. This technology opens up new possibilities for businesses looking to engage with customers in real-time and drive foot traffic to physical locations.

Here are some examples of how location-triggered notifications can be used:

  1. Promotions: Businesses can send alerts about deals or discounts when users are nearby the store/office, encouraging them to visit and make purchases.
  2. Event Announcements: Businesses can inform people about events happening near their current location such as product launches, concerts etc., which might interest them
  3. In-Store Navigation – By making use of indoor maps , businesses could guide customers around the store premises
  4. Reward Programs – Loyalty programs offering rewards like points or exclusive offers based on regular visits by customers within a certain radius .
  5. Tourism : Location-based travel guides providing information related to tourist attractions in proximity of user’s current location

    By implementing these types of strategies into your marketing plan effectively, you could increase customer engagement rates while simultaneously improving brand visibility ultimately leading towards increased revenue streams .