What are Promotional Messages and when to send them
What are Promotional Messages and when to send them

As a marketer, you know that promotional messages are an essential part of your overall marketing strategy. Promotional messages are designed to inform and persuade potential customers about the benefits of your products or services.

Promotional messages can take many forms, including email campaigns, social media posts, SMS text messages, direct mail pieces, and more. The goal is to grab the attention of your target audience with a compelling message that encourages them to take action.

When it comes to sending promotional messages, timing is everything. Here are some tips on when to send promotional messages:

  1. Holidays & Special Occasions: Sending promotions during holidays/special occasions associated with gift-giving (Christmas , Valentine’s Day etc.,) could help increase sales
  2. New Product Launches: Announcing new product launches via promotional messaging increases awareness & drives interest towards new offerings
  3. Seasonal Sales : Promoting seasonal discounts (Summer Sale/Winter Clearance etc.,)
  4. Customer Milestones: Celebrating customer milestones such as birthdays/anniversaries by offering loyalty rewards/discounts may encourage repeat business
  5. Abandoned Cart Recovery – Reminding cart abandoners through personalized offers in order to recover lost transactions

By understanding when and how often to send out these types of targeted promotions messaging strategies into their marketing plan effectively businesses could boost engagement rates while simultaneously improving brand loyalty ultimately leading towards increased revenue streams .