Why does firebase have a bad support policy
Why does firebase have a bad support policy

Firebase is a popular mobile and web application development platform that allows developers to build and deploy applications quickly and easily. However, despite its many benefits, there are some concerns about Firebase’s support policy.
One of the main reasons why Firebase has a bad support policy is because of their lack of transparency. Many developers have complained that they are not able to get clear answers to their questions or that they receive conflicting information from different support representatives. This lack of transparency can be frustrating and time-consuming for developers who are trying to troubleshoot issues.

Another issue with Firebase’s support policy is that they only provide support via email. While email support can be convenient for some, it can be slow and ineffective for others. In addition, Firebase’s support team is based in the United States, which means that developers in other time zones may have to wait a long time to get a response to their questions.

Lastly, Firebase’s support policy is limited in terms of what they will help with. While they do offer support for technical issues related to the Firebase platform, they do not offer support for issues related to third-party services or libraries that are used with Firebase. This can be frustrating for developers who are trying to integrate Firebase with other services and are running into issues.

In conclusion, while Firebase is a powerful platform for mobile and web application development, their support policy has some significant limitations. Developers should be aware of these limitations and be prepared to troubleshoot issues on their own or seek help from other resources. However, with proper planning and preparation, developers can still benefit greatly from using Firebase to build and deploy their applications.