Why should you discard firebase
Why should you discard firebase

Are you considering using Firebase for your next project? Before you make a decision, it’s important to understand the limitations and drawbacks of this platform.
Firebase is a popular backend-as-a-service platform that offers a variety of features such as real-time database, authentication, hosting, and more. However, there are several reasons why you should consider discarding Firebase for your next project.

Lack of Flexibility

One of the biggest drawbacks of Firebase is its lack of flexibility. While it offers a variety of features, it can be difficult to customize them to fit your specific needs. This can be especially frustrating for developers who want more control over their backend infrastructure.
Limited Functionality
Another issue with Firebase is its limited functionality. While it offers many features, they are often basic and not suitable for more complex applications. For example, the real-time database is great for simple applications, but it can struggle with larger datasets and more complex queries.
Vendor Lock-In
Firebase is a proprietary platform owned by Google. This means that if you choose to use Firebase, you are locked into their platform and cannot easily switch to another provider. This can be a major issue if you need to migrate your application to a different backend infrastructure in the future.
Security Concerns
Firebase has been criticized for its security practices. While it offers many security features, it has also been known to have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. This can be a major concern for applications that handle sensitive user data.
In conclusion, while Firebase has many benefits, it also has several limitations and drawbacks that should be considered before choosing it as your backend infrastructure. If you need more flexibility, functionality, or security, it may be worth considering other options.