Guide to Understanding Mobile User Lifetime Value (LTV)

Mobile user lifetime value, or LTV, is a metric that measures the total revenue a mobile app user generates over their lifetime as an active customer. Here’s what marketing teams should know about understanding and calculating LTV: Calculate Revenue per User – To calculate LTV you need to first determine how much revenue each individual …

What to Consider When Switching Messaging Providers

What Marketing Teams Should Consider When Switching Messaging Providers Switching messaging providers can be a daunting task, but it’s often necessary to find the right fit for your business. Here are some key factors that marketing teams should consider when making the switch: Features and capabilities – Before switching messaging providers, make sure you understand …

10 Best Practices for Writing Effective ChatGPT Queries in Marketing

Chatbots have become an increasingly popular tool for marketers to engage with their audience and drive business growth. However, the success of a chatbot depends largely on the quality of its queries. Here are ten best practices for writing effective ChatGPT queries in marketing. Define Your Goals: Determine what you want your chatbot to achieve …

6 Powerful In-App Messaging Use Cases & Examples

In today’s digital age, in-app messaging is becoming an increasingly popular way for brands to communicate with their customers. It provides an opportunity to deliver personalized messages directly to the users within the app itself, resulting in increased engagement levels and customer satisfaction. Here are six powerful in-app messaging use cases that can help marketing …

User Insights Unleashed: Tapping Into User Communities For UX Research

When it comes to creating successful digital products, understanding your users is key. User experience (UX) research plays an important role in discovering what users need and want from your product. One way marketers can gather valuable insights is by tapping into user communities. User communities are online forums or groups where people with similar …

Push notification Templates for E-commerce

Push notifications are an effective way to keep your customers engaged and informed about new products, promotions, sales and more. However, crafting the perfect message can be challenging. Here are some push notification templates that will help you engage with your customers in a meaningful way while driving revenue for your e-commerce business. New Product …

How to implement segmentation with behaviors

Behavioral segmentation is a powerful marketing strategy that involves dividing customers into groups based on their behaviors and actions. This approach helps businesses understand customer needs, preferences and habits, ultimately leading to more effective targeting. Here are some steps for implementing behavioral segmentation: Step 1: Define the Behaviors The first step in implementing behavioral segmentation …