Beach Bum has increased in-app purchases and used automated messaging to triple its audience engagement.
Beach Bum has increased in-app purchases and used automated messaging to triple its audience engagement.

The top mobile gaming company has seen a sharp rise in in-app sales as well as a quick increase in game app users. Beach Bum tracks the effectiveness of each contact by employing automatic push alerts organised into marketing programmes. Users have been effectively engaged and reengaged by them.

Unomok Mobile App Growth Marketing Platform is the answer.
Beach Bum designed three game apps in Unomok and created customised automatic push alerts for various uses grouped into retention and reactivation campaigns.

Beach Bum has found it simpler to evaluate the effectiveness of their communication thanks to the campaign-focused strategy. As a result, the game app developer has been able to improve marketing results more quickly.

Retaining and Re-engaging
Nothing works better for retention than push notifications, which show up on screens and draw users’ attention even when their phones are locked or the app is not open.

the of the of the a an of the an of the an of the an an are the an a., Beach Bum makes the most of it, too! It is impossible to ignore a new message because to the company’s use of a distinctive Dice Roll sound that consumers hear when the push notification is issued.

Statistics support this claim, which states that the element of surprise makes messages with personalised notification sounds often have a three times greater CTR than messages with the default sound. When our phones produce a noise we’ve never heard before, we all turn our heads.

Individualized Messaging
Beach Bum also makes advantage of Unomok customization options. Push alerts become more engaging and personalised when they address players by name in game apps. Besides, when a communication comes in your local language, it raises CTR as well. In order to get greater results, Beach Bum made the decision to deploy automated multilingual messaging.

Increased In-App Purchases
Push notifications are excellent for sales advertising in addition to keeping mobile gamers active and reawakening those who are dormant. Beach Bum makes advantage of the push channel to alert players to sales and limited time deals and nudge them toward making in-app purchases.

As a result, Beach Bum advertising push notifications often have a CTR of 8% to 12%, which is very good for a gaming app.

The marketing outcomes were not long in coming. Higher CTRs triggered a domino effect and led to a spike in DAU, MAU, and a total number of subscribers, which — along with the proper use of promotional push notifications — boosted revenue.

In six months, at least one of the target metrics increased in each app — and in some cases, all of them tripled:

With Unomok, Beach Bum has seen a significant increase in user engagement and revenue. Would you like to create a success story that is just as impressive?

Get in touch with us, and we’ll demonstrate how Unomok products can accelerate the growth of your company.