Push notifications are a great way to stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and other important information. However, if you own a Xiaomi device, you may have noticed that your push notifications are not working properly. This can be incredibly frustrating, as it means you’re missing out on important information. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to fix broken push notifications on your Xiaomi device.

The first step is to check that your device is connected to the internet. Push notifications require an active internet connection in order to work properly. If your device is not connected to the internet, try connecting it again and see if that fixes the issue.

If your device is connected to the internet but push notifications are still not working properly, then it’s time to check the settings on your device. Go into Settings > Notifications and make sure that all of the apps you want to receive push notifications from are enabled. If they’re not enabled, then enable them and see if that fixes the issue.

If push notifications are still not working after checking the settings, then it’s time to try a few more advanced solutions. One option is to clear the cache of any apps that use push notifications. To do this, go into Settings > Apps > Select App > Storage > Clear Cache. This should help resolve any issues with push notifications for that particular app.

Another option is to reset your network settings by going into Settings > Backup & Reset > Network Settings Reset > Reset Settings. This will reset all of your network settings back to their default values and may help resolve any issues with push notifications on your Xiaomi device.

Finally, if none of these solutions work for you then it may be time to contact Xiaomi support for further assistance with resolving this issue on your device. They should be able to provide more detailed instructions on how to fix broken push notifications on your Xiaomi device so that you can get back up and running in no time!