Quora Case Study – The Wonderful World of Quora
Quora Case Study – The Wonderful World of Quora

What to do on Quora

Along with question answering this Q/A platform can be used to:

  • Read queries and answers of preferred area of interest.
  • Vote up interesting answers.
  • Send private messages to users who have similar interest.
  • Add relevant topics to the questions asked.
  • Invite friends and other Quora users to reply on a query.
  • Check statistics for questions, posts and queries added.
  • Answer open questions. (Open questions are the ones that go unanswered)

Quora Blogging

Besides,questions and answers, Quora allows you to create a blog too. Adding promotional content may not be a good idea as Quora focuses on information sharing and may ban the user.

Advantages of Quora Blogging

  • Add relevant tags(of Quora’s 300,000 topics) to posts or entire blogs to reach more users.
  • Integrate helpful answers to blog post.
  • View your blog post viewers just below the post.
  • Increase viewers list on Quora as well as other platforms linked to it by getting up votes from followers and other Quora users.
  • Get real comments from the users who are actually interested in reading your content and find your products/services useful.

What to avoid In Quora Blogging?

You cannot use Quora as a traffic driving and sales tool. It’s a trustworthy website where people seek to share and get knowledge. If you start writing promotional content, your content will be removed and you will receive a warning message from Quora admin to not violate their terms and conditions.

Advantages of Quora

  • Quora has zero tolerance for Spam.
  • Quora allows Peer Networking. You can connect with industry experts to get recommendations, guest posts & referrals.
  • Can be used for Name, Recognition and Links.
  • Helps users find people from similar industry by asking questions
  • Tells what others are saying about your business industry.
  • Helps businesses improve customer satisfaction by tracking interests of converted as well as potential buyers.
  • If you work in an industry that is spread across nations and continents, then Quora can function like a local business mixer.
  • You can generate leads through Quora by making valuable contacts and finding potential clients.

What to avoid in Quora?

While using Quora, you need to take care of few things like violating terms and conditions.By continuing this, your account can be blocked and you may no longer be able to use it for lifetime. Here are the things that you should avoid while using Quora:

  • If you are using Quora for your business, add your actual designation there. It is recommended to not add fake biography and designations to it.
  • If you are not participating in discussions, you are at potential disadvantage.
  • Do not think like marketer while using Quora.
  • Stop trying to sell, and start focusing on leading, influencing, and connecting instead.
  • Quora is flooded with the queries, which include people looking for any product and service. Most of the users’ replies have this in common, “Check out (my website)”. It’s a wrong approach. Using such phrases looks like self-promotion. If your answer is good enough then users will certainly recommend your products and services.


The purpose of this guide is to make people understand how Quora can be used effectively. The purpose of this case study is to channelize all the possible ways one can use for the betterment, be it for knowledge sharing or business networking. Making appropriate use of resources provided by Quora can greatly help businesses in lead generation and brand or individual identity building.