Which is better - In App Messages or Push Notifications
Which is better – In App Messages or Push Notifications

As a marketing team, we understand that communicating with our users is essential to keep them engaged with our app. There are two ways to do this – In-App Messages and Push Notifications. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is better for our business?

In-App Messages
In-App Messages are messages that appear when a user is actively using our app. These messages can be used to inform users about new features, promotions, or to guide them through a specific process. In-App Messages are highly customizable and can be targeted to specific user segments.

Pros of In-App Messages:

Highly targeted and customizable
Appear when the user is actively using the app
Can be used to guide users through a specific process

Cons of In-App Messages:
Can be intrusive and interrupt the user experience
Users may dismiss or ignore the message

Push Notifications
Push Notifications are messages that appear on a user’s device even when they are not actively using our app. These notifications can be used to inform users about new content, promotions, or to remind them to use our app. Push Notifications can also be highly targeted and can be sent based on user behavior.

Pros of Push Notifications:
Can reach users even when they are not actively using the app
Highly customizable and targeted
Can be used to remind users to use our app

Cons of Push Notifications:
Can be seen as spammy or annoying
Users may turn off push notifications for our app

Which One is Better for Our Business?
Both In-App Messages and Push Notifications have their pros and cons, and the best option for our business depends on our goals and the message we want to convey.
If we want to guide users through a specific process or inform them about a new feature, In-App Messages may be the best option. However, if we want to remind users to use our app or inform them about new content, Push Notifications may be the better option.

In conclusion, both In-App Messages and Push Notifications can be effective ways to communicate with our users. As a marketing team, we will continue to evaluate which option is best for our business based on our goals and the message we want to convey.