Which is Better - SMS or Push Notifications
Which is Better – SMS or Push Notifications

As a marketing team, we are always looking for the most effective way to communicate with our customers. With the rise of mobile devices, two popular options for reaching customers are SMS and push notifications. But which one is better? In this blog post, we’ll break down the pros and cons of each channel to help you make an informed decision.


SMS or Short Message Service is a text messaging service that enables businesses to send messages to customers’ mobile devices. Here are some benefits of using SMS:


High open rates: SMS has an open rate of 98%, making it a reliable way to reach customers.
Quick delivery: SMS messages are delivered almost instantly, making it an effective way to send time-sensitive information.
Direct communication: SMS messages are sent directly to customers’ phones, making it a personal and direct way to communicate with them.


Character limit: SMS messages have a character limit of 160 characters, which can make it challenging to convey a message effectively.
Cost: SMS messages can be expensive, especially if you are sending a high volume of messages.
Opt-in requirements: Customers must opt-in to receive SMS messages, which can limit your audience.

Push Notifications
Push notifications are messages that are sent to customers’ mobile devices through an app. Here are some benefits of using push notifications:

High engagement: Push notifications have an average open rate of 90%, making it a highly engaging way to reach customers.
Flexibility: Push notifications can be customized to include images, videos, and other multimedia, making it a versatile way to communicate with customers.
Cost-effective: Push notifications are generally less expensive than SMS messages, making it a cost-effective option for businesses.

Limited audience: Push notifications are only available to customers who have downloaded your app, which can limit your audience.
Opt-in requirements: Customers must opt-in to receive push notifications, which can limit your audience.
App dependency: Push notifications require customers to have your app installed on their device.


Both SMS and push notifications have their pros and cons, and the best choice for your business depends on your specific needs and goals. If you’re looking for a direct way to communicate with customers and have a high budget, SMS may be the right choice for you. If you’re looking for a cost-effective and engaging way to communicate with customers, push notifications may be the better choice. Ultimately, the key is to understand your audience and choose the channel that will resonate with them the most.