Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) Compared to

When it comes to mobile app push notifications and messaging, Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) and are two popular platforms. Here’s a comparison between FCM and to help marketing teams make an informed decision: Functionality: FCM: Developed by Google, FCM provides a robust set of features for sending push notifications across various platforms including …

User Activation Along the Mobile App Journey

User activation refers to the process of engaging and motivating users to take specific actions within a mobile app. It plays a crucial role in driving user retention, satisfaction, and ultimately, business success. Here’s what marketing teams should know about user activation along the mobile app journey: Define Activation Goals – Start by defining specific …

6 Cross-Channel Optimization Tips to Boost Customer Engagement

Cross-channel optimization is a strategy that focuses on creating consistent and seamless experiences for customers across multiple channels. Here are six tips for marketing teams to boost customer engagement through cross-channel optimization: Consistent Branding – Ensure your brand identity, messaging, and visual elements remain consistent across all channels. This helps build trust and recognition among …

5 Predictions for Mobile App Marketing in 2023

As the mobile app industry continues to evolve, it’s important for marketing teams to stay ahead of the curve. Here are five predictions for mobile app marketing in 2023: Rise of Augmented Reality (AR) – AR technology is expected to become more prevalent in mobile apps, offering immersive and interactive experiences to users. Marketers should …

What is paid mobile user acquisition?

Paid mobile user acquisition refers to the practice of acquiring new users or customers for a mobile app through paid advertising channels. Here’s what marketing teams should know about paid mobile user acquisition: Targeted Advertising – With paid user acquisition, marketers can leverage various advertising platforms such as social media ads, search engine marketing (SEM), …

How to Calculate Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) for Mobile Apps

Customer acquisition cost, or CAC, is a crucial metric that helps businesses understand how much they need to invest in acquiring new customers. Here’s a step-by-step guide on calculating CAC specifically for mobile apps: Determine your marketing costs – Start by identifying the total amount spent on marketing efforts related to acquiring new users for …

What is a PWA?

PWA, or Progressive Web App, is a term used to describe websites that function like native mobile apps. Here’s what marketing teams should know about PWAs: User Experience – PWAs provide an app-like experience with navigation and functionality similar to native apps. Offline Functionality – Unlike traditional web applications, PWAs can work offline by caching …

Guide to Understanding Mobile User Lifetime Value (LTV)

Mobile user lifetime value, or LTV, is a metric that measures the total revenue a mobile app user generates over their lifetime as an active customer. Here’s what marketing teams should know about understanding and calculating LTV: Calculate Revenue per User – To calculate LTV you need to first determine how much revenue each individual …

What Does Mobile-First Mean?

Mobile-first is a term used to describe the approach of designing and developing digital products primarily for mobile devices, before considering desktop or other platforms. Here’s what marketing teams should understand about mobile-first: User experience – Designing with a focus on mobile first ensures that user experience is optimized for small screen sizes and touch-based …