Gamification case study #13- Sales Contests & Gamification: Quick Blip or Lasting Impact?

When ePrize began using, the most significant change we asked of our sales team was to start logging call reports by using Event records. Writing brief call reports had never been asked of the sales team before, but the leadership team felt was important to manage the business and help salespeople better track client …

Gamification case study #12- Huge leaps in AI have made facial recognition smarter than your brain

“We wanted to turn what was a cold transaction into a really welcoming moment,” said Jay Schneider, who runs the Miami company’s digital operations. The goal is to get passengers “from car to bar in 10 minutes.” Royal Caribbean Cruises is hardly alone. Facial recognition technology is used to spot friends on Facebook and unlock your iPhone. …

Gamification case study #11- Zino Gamification Presentation

“Gamification” describes the broad trend ofusing game play mechanics for non-gameapplications in order to encourage people toadopt applications or engage in desiredbehaviors. The technique can encourage people toperform chores that they ordinarily considerboring, such as completing surveys, employeeperformance, training, remembering to takemedicine, shopping or social change. Consumer Engagement (using gamemechanics to draw consumer eyeballs and sellmore goods and …

Gamification case study #10- Gamification Boosts Employee Health Behavior, Blue Shield Argues

Recent research had shown the power of social connectedness in improving health outcomes, and mobile health apps were suddenly catching on among consumers. “So it made sense to take the technology that people were already using and comfortable with and migrate that to a health platform that included social media and social gaming,” Williams explained. …

Gamification case study #9- How Gamification Is Changing Business

That’s because “the use of emergent social-software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers,” provides rapid and agile collaboration, information sharing and integration between platforms, said Harvard Business School Professor Andre McAfee. Yet, experts said, many companies are finding that their employees are not taking advantage of these newly built platforms. …

Gamification case study #8- How Salesforce And Deloitte Tackle Employee Engagement With Gamification

Gamification, according to Duggan, is “taking techniques that make games engaging and addictive and applying them to things that are not games.” In particular it’s about providing rapid non-financial recognition and rewards to reinforce positive behaviors. As Aristotle put it: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” …

Gamification case study #7-Engaging Participants Through

There is growing evidence that gamification, or the use of game mechanics and player-centric design tomotivate and engage people, can help drive healthier choices and healthy behaviors in people that havetuned out traditional messaging. However, getting to that healthier bottom line requires taking some timeto understand gamification—why it applies, how it works and who’s playing. …

Gamification case study #6-Can Gamifying a Restaurant Get You Better Service?

The startup recently raised a $1.5 million round of funding led by Google Ventures and Atlas Venture, and it is beta testing its software, Muse, in a 17-unit chain of restaurants called Not Your Average Joe’s. Muse uses data from customer payments, including sales and tips, to track each employee’s performance. Employees who perform the …

Gamification case study #5-Gamification: The Hard Truths

Gamification — or the use of game, loyalty and economic concepts to engage consumers and employees — has its fair share of detractors. Many of their criticisms dismiss gamification as a fad, criticize its use of game concepts, suggest its methods are shallow or believe its sole use is for marketing “evil.” More often than …

Gamification case study #4-Gamifying the Service Desk Real value beyond the hype

Many IT Systems for business tasks and work are now using ‘social’ elements that were similarly regarded as trivial just a few years ago, so why shouldn’t the same be the case with gamication Gamication is not new – a very simple example of this already in place would be for sales and commission – …