What are Channel Notifications ?

Channel notifications are exactly what they sound like – notifications about different channels that you can follow or become a member of. Channel notifications inform users about the latest changes, updates, and activity in their subscribed channel. They are an important feature that helps keep viewers informed, as most channels provide daily or weekly updates …

What are Marketing Notifications?

Marketing notifications are automated messages sent to customers and prospects to keep them informed about new products or services, special deals, event announcements and other company activities. They are an effective tool for engaging with your customers and driving repeat business. They can also help increase brand awareness and loyalty in an increasingly competitive digital …

Types of Push Notifications

Push notifications are messages that pop up on mobile devices. They come from apps and websites installed or visited by the user, allowing businesses to stay in contact with their customers and keep them informed of special offers, new products, price changes and other information. Push notifications can help increase customer engagement rate as they …

The crisis of Notifications in Marketing

Notifications are one of the essential components of modern marketing. They allow marketers to connect with their audience in an effective and timely manner. However, the sheer number of notifications generated by many digital marketing strategies can be overwhelming to customers, leading to decreased engagement, or worse yet, complete opt-outs. Recent data shows that over …

The Three Things to Never Build In Your App – Authentication, Payments and Notifications

We are in an era when developing an app with advanced features has become easier than ever! Users’ expectations from apps have gone up significantly over the years, and thus it is important for developers to understand the complexities associated with building their own applications. While there are some features that should be included in …