Xero’s Growth Strategy – How they acquired 350k users in the last 12 months

Xero is one of the darlings of the startup world. Partly because its platform has helped so many new businesses launch and succeed, but also because they’ve been there and done it themselves. Like many great businesses, Xero was founded when founder Rod Drury was having issues with his existing solution. Back in 2006, he …

How ActiveCampaign (SaaS Startup) Built a Conversion Funnel & Grew To 50,000 Customers

This article is for marketers and founders at SaaS startups and software firms — or anyone who works with similar companies. Sound good? Let’s jump in! Quick note before I start… I have never worked with ActiveCampaign or founder and CEO Jason VandeBoom. Everything I describe in this article is based on my own experience …

The PayPal Growth Strategy That Catapulted Them To Success

Referrals helped PayPal get 7 to 10% daily growth, catapulting their user base to over 100 million members. According to David O Sacks, original COO of PayPal, PayPal used to literally pay people to invite their friends: “Initially users just had to sign up, confirm their email address, and add a (unique, authorized) credit card. The money was simply …


Thirteen years ago, when college student Anthony Casalena founded Squarespace in his dorm room, there was no way he could have predicted the extraordinary growth his business would achieve. Because the reality was, at the time, Casalena wasn’t focused on building a business. He was focused on building tools that could help solve his own …

Drift’s Blog Helped Them Build a Multi-Million Dollar Brand

When David Cancel founded Drift, he intentionally went after a competitive industry: website chat. Dave has an unorthodox view on starting companies: He prefers to go into industries that have plenty of competition because that means there actually is a market there. The company was able to differentiate itself by focusing on brand before everything …

How to Grow a Startup from $0 to $5 million – Buffers’ Digital Marketing Strategy Exposed

m sure most of you are familiar with Buffer, the tweet scheduling app that evolved into a social media scheduling app. Now the tool is viewed as a necessity, not only for startups, but for every business which aspires to do great content marketing and build a tribe for itself. With a yearly income of …

How ClickFunnels Built a $100m Revenue Empire, $1 Billion+ Exit Feb 1st?

“That’s strange” thought Russell Brunson, as he had only just connected the phone line to allow his new bride to make a phone call from the home phone that he had just connected to the internet. “Is this Russell Brunson,” asked an angry voice. “Errrr yes”, said Brunson as his wife looked on frustrated. It …

The 7 Growth Hacks That Led Groupon to a $12.7 Billion IPO

As one of the fastest growing companies around, Groupon employed many growth hacks that helped lead to massive growth. In this article we’ll examine some of them and how you can apply them to your own online business. As you’ll see later in this post, Groupon is based of turning subscribers into marketers by giving …

Quora Case Study – The Wonderful World of Quora

What to do on Quora Along with question answering this Q/A platform can be used to: Read queries and answers of preferred area of interest. Vote up interesting answers. Send private messages to users who have similar interest. Add relevant topics to the questions asked. Invite friends and other Quora users to reply on a …

How Slack Generates 100,000,000 Website Visitors Per Month

They have 3+ million paid users. Their trial to paid conversion rate is sitting at 30%.  There’s just no better way to put this: Slack is absolutely kickin’ ass in the SaaS world.  But they don’t need me to tell the world how well they’re doing. Just look at their stats:  They are the fastest …